Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management


Vulnerability Management

As your business and IT infrastructure grows in volume and complexity, so does your attack surface. It’s no longer enough to just implement the best technology to proactively identify and prioritize what needs to be fixed (that’s the easy part). Developing a true vulnerability management program requires time and resources to prioritize what’s most critical in the context of your business, remediate vulnerabilities, and establish sustainable processes for working within and across teams.

ENSL Managed Vulnerability Management (Managed VM) was designed to offload day-to-day operations to our vulnerability management experts and extend coverage across the attack surface so you can build a successful program. Managed VM provides tailored recommendations to manage, execute, and optimize remediation across your environment and lower your overall risk exposure. By pairing our team of experts with our industry-leading technology partners you can develop a complete vulnerability management program to stay ahead of the latest attacker trends and proactively defend your perimeter.

What penetration test services are available to you?

By engaging our experts, you get the support and guidance you need to build, execute, and optimize a comprehensive program:

Managed Vulnerability Management
Offload your ongoing scans operations, so you that you can focus on overall strategy.
Give you visibility into vulnerabilities in your growing attack surface, including mobile, cloud-based, and remote assets.
Easily facilitate stakeholder engagement across teams and executive sponsors with prioritized remediation guidance.
Continually measure risk reduction and optimize your program to strengthen your overall security posture.
Analyse security trends over time to lower the risk of a breach.
Communicate the ROI of the program to executives and board-level stakeholders.
Establish repeatable processes for collaborative remediation across the business.
Mature your program and advocate for it to the CISO, Board, and Executive teams under the guidance of our security advisors.